If you would like to book Ustādha Duniā, here are some workshops you may book her for:
This workshop was created after years of research Ustadha Dunia conducted across communities via surveys and interviewing imams across the country. Inspired by the Qur’an and Sunnah, and by the research of John Gottman and others, this workshop was developed to help Muslims in their marriages. It is a set of interactive sessions that will give you new insights by using Qur’anic and Sunnah-based examples, along with modern scientific research. By helping you communicate effectively, manage conflict in a healthy way, and equipping you with practical tools, it will result in dramatically improving and fostering deeper friendship and greater intimacy in your relationship.
For anyone who wants their marriage to reach its highest potential, this workshop will provide a road to enhancing and revitalizing your marriage. Utilizing prophetic teachings, paired with decades of modern research, strengthen your love and your marriage to attain the pleasure of both your spouse and Allāh ﷻ.
Forgiveness is the key to finding peace in both this life and the next. It is a means of letting go of the negative energy that consumes your soul. It allows you to rebuild your emotional, physical, and spiritual health. The Prophet (ﷺ) was able to forgive all of those, who hurt him and his loved ones, when he returned to and conquered Makkah. Not only was he able to find peace in doing so, he was able to gain the pleasure of Allāh ﷻ and the love of the people.
Join Ustadha Dunia in this life-changing workshop to learn about the endless benefits and the power manifested in forgiving not just others, but also the importance in forgiving yourself. Learn the seven steps to freeing yourself from the shackles of holding grudges and take steps to becoming a healthier and happier you.
We all suffer emotional set-backs, we all sustain emotional wounds in our own unique situations, we encounter different emotions throughout our day. Despair, anger, fear, loss, sadness, loneliness, failure, helplessness, guilt, anxiety, rejection, and loss are some of the emotions we encounter at various points in our lives. Similarly we all sustain physical injuries such as cuts, burns and broken bones, but while we know how to bandage a cut, put ointment on a burn, and go to the ER for a broken arm, what do we do when we sustain an emotional injury? Unfortunately, not much. However, alhamdulillah, there are ways to treat emotional injuries.
Using the Quran, authentic narrators from our beloved Prophet (ﷺ), and the latest scientific research, Ustadha Dunia offers practical treatments that you can administer to yourself that are quick, simple, and effective. Inspired by Dr. Winch’s work, Emotional First Aid is an essential workshop for anyone looking to let go of negative emotions, build their self-esteem, become more resilient, and to let go of the hurts and hang-ups that are holding them back.
One of the most important choices we make in life is finding the person who we will embark on a journey with throughout the remainder of our lives. One of the increasing problems in marriages is that many people go into marriages without truly understanding themselves and what they need in a spouse. This class begins by trying to help us first discover ourselves and our emotional needs in order to better choose that special one. This class also delves into the importance of being mindful of red flags that may surface in the discovery phase and how we can identify whether or not they will be deal breakers.
Join Ustadha Dunia as she uses research based on the Qur’an, Sunnah, and science to help find your companion in life.
We all know the famous description of the Prophet (ﷺ), “we never saw him except that he was smiling.” How was he always smiling, even though he went through more trials than any of us could ever handle? The death of his beloved wife, uncle, children and loved ones, the boycott, poverty, and the physical and emotional abuse he faced from the disbelievers are just a fraction of what our beloved went through. How was he able to maintain a beautiful smile?
It’s inevitable that we face challenges in our lives. How we handle them is up to us. In this workshop you will learn how to look at obstacles with a different lens. You’ll learn about how your brain can change, the power of gratitude and benefits of forgiveness. Join Ustadha Dunia as she bridges the Qur’an, Sunnah and science of happiness into practical strategies for everyday life. Ustadha Dunia will unlock the secret to securing lifelong happiness and empower us by giving us the formula to everlasting joy in this life and insha’Allah in the next.
In today’s day and age, despite being immersed into a global and connected society, our communication skills are far from what’s necessary. This workshop is ideal for people of all ages and is designed to help better communicate and connect with others. Allāh ﷻ, in so many instances, taught His Prophets how to effectively communicate with their people and He even documented it in the Qur’an so that we are able to learn, benefit, and apply these invaluable lessons. This course will equip you with 7 powerful tips from the Qur’an, the life of the Prophet ﷺ and backed by the latest psychological research.
Join Ustadha Dunia in this vital workshop as she teaches the proven methods in becoming a better communicator and, ultimately, helping you ensure that others understand you better.
Just as there were great men who lived with our beloved Prophet ﷺ and in our beautiful history, there were also many great women. There was a time when newborn girls were buried, women were inherited, had absolutely no rights, and many religious authorities were debating whether or not women were humans or even if they had a soul. Yet Muslim women were honored, empowered, dignified, and elevated… as daughters, sisters, wives and mothers (in all stages of their life). They served, and took on roles, as mothers, scholars, pioneers, warriors, poets, educators, scientists, mathematicians, writers, leaders, business women, politicians, and more.
Join Ustadha Dunia as she takes a look into the legacies that were crafted by many magnificent women in Islam. Both brothers and sisters will be inspired and captivated by their stories.
“If you really love Allah, follow me, [and] Allah will love you and forgive your sins …” [3:31]
The Follow Me workshop will transport you into a day in the life of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ). By learning about the beautiful facets of his life, as a father, husband, friend, leader, and servant of Allāh ﷻ, we can aspire to embody his noble characteristics, to implement and practice them in our everyday lives.
Divorce is one of life’s greatest challenges. The pain and whirlwind of emotions experienced during and after divorce are one of the most difficult experiences a person can face. It’s a confusing time when you feel isolated and have lots of questions about issues you’ve never faced before.
The Healthy Healing workshop by Sr. Dunia Shuaib is designed to provide support, information and practical tools, all which will enable you to move forward with strength, clarity, and wisdom on your journey. Sr. Dunia will provide guidance on how to manage the divorce process and minimize its potentially negative impact on your spiritual and emotional health. Provide emotional healing and closure.